
Precautions for children using balance bikes and scooters

addtime:2021-08-05  click:
1. Purchase up to standard
In the case of selection, you should check whether the various valid certificates and procedures for the car are complete, and the three products are decisively controlled. All car brands can only be purchased after CQC certification.
It should also be noted that the switching power supply of electric scooters is like everyone’s cardiovascular system. Once the cardiovascular system stops working, the entire body of the car will also fail. Therefore, when choosing electric scooters, these power transformers should be selected and verified by CCC. Car.
2. Buy a fit
Nowadays, the basis of online shopping has become a way for everyone to buy things. Many household appliances including cars are also likely to be purchased on Taobao, Tmall, JD.com and other online shopping websites.
It’s not that online shopping is not good. Just buying a piece of clothing online and buying it back might not fit well. The same is true for children’s toy cars.
When shopping for children, pay attention to the quality and fit, instead of blindly pursuing the perfect price. Some cars are not cheap or expensive for children.
When buying a car, you must choose the car series according to your child's size, and one more thing depends on whether the car's braking system and safety devices are sound.
Precautions for children using balance bikes and scooters
3. Children's vehicles must not be on the road
The traffic control department completely prohibits the use of special tools such as scooters, somatosensory vehicles and electric balance vehicles on the road, and riding a bicycle under the age of 18 is not subject to laws and regulations.
This kind of car has higher requirements for the coordination and response ability of the human body. Most of the vigor and harmony of children and young people are likely to fail to meet the requirements, and going on the road rashly always increases the occurrence of accidents.
This type of remote-controlled car can only be used in areas with little traffic such as the small area at the gate, and the children must be taken care of by their parents when they are having fun.
The speed is not suitable for being too fast. Some parents may not be able to stand the cuteness of their children and have a fluke. They feel that there is nothing to see for themselves, and there should be no major incidents. A momentary negligence is likely to be dangerous.
4. Do a good job in safety protection, read the instructions for use in the article
General transportation tools must be equipped with relative protective equipment. Parents should specifically instruct their children to wear safety helmets and knee pads before riding a bicycle. The head and limbs are most easily injured when a child accidentally falls. The head is related to the safety of everyone. Parents must pay attention to it.
In addition to safety protection work, be sure to read the instructions for use before riding the bike. Mastering the structure of the bike can immediately dissuade you in the event of an accident.
Parents must pay more attention to the fact that parents don’t have to eat their children as soon as they are cute, and regardless of whether the child can ride or not, they must get started with the child. This is not only an evasion of responsibility for the child, but also a non-compliance obligation for everyone in the family.
As a new material in the era, electric balance bikes are convenient and quick for everyone, and they also produce certain dangers. When children use this kind of product, parents must raise their eyes, so that there is no need to take away the children's hobbies and interests, and they will continue to avoid danger.