
The relevant provisions of the British electric scooter law

addtime:2021-09-10  click:
Can I ride an electric scooter in the UK?
The trial of electric scooters in the UK started in July 2020 and lasted for 12 months, after which the government will decide whether to legalize the use of electric scooters in the UK.
Initially, it was planned to only use electric scooters on public roads in four locations in the UK during the trial period. These areas include Derby and Nottingham, West Midlands, Portsmouth and Southampton, and the Western England United Authority (WECA). These areas are called "Future Transport Zones".
However, the scope of the test has been expanded to all regions of the UK, and Berkshire’s Slough has recently established a test plan. The trial is started by local authorities, so if electric scooters are not yet allowed in your area, please consider contacting your local municipal council to find out about their plans.
Richard Corbett of Voi, an electric scooter ride-sharing service agency, said: "The situation is progressing well in areas where we have started trials of electric scooters. Since the launch of Northampton, the town has more than 53,500 rides covering 90,000. Km. "More than 7,000 users have registered and are active, and nearly 70% of the rides are repeat visitors. Electric scooters are used multiple times a day, which is a key indicator of success. "
If these various trials are successful and the law changes across the country, people will be allowed to ride electric scooters on public roads across the UK.
Will there be a fine for riding an electric scooter in the UK?
If you use a rented or private electric scooter outside of any trial area on any public road, bicycle lane or sidewalk, you may face the risk of fines.
You may have to pay a fixed penalty of £300. If you have a driver's license, you may be fined 6 points, and you may also impose an electric scooter.
The relevant provisions of the British electric scooter law
If you ride a private electric scooter in the proving ground, you will also face the risk of fines.
What will the UK’s electric scooter rental plan look like?
The goal of the Ministry of Transport is to legalize the electric scooter rental program throughout the UK to promote green travel. Riders can rent electric scooters without insurance, but they need at least a temporary driving license.
The electric scooters in the rental plan can be used legally within the set geographic area.
Although hiring an electric scooter seems to be a good option to stay away from society, some people may be wary of using a sharing scheme. In the early days of the pandemic, electric scooter rental companies such as Lime and Bird closed their scooter programs in cities in Europe and North America. However, Voi, another brand of shared scooters, said employees have to disinfect every electric scooter every day.
Can I buy an electric scooter?
No matter where you are, you can buy electric scooters in the UK. However, the only place where you can ride a private electric scooter is on private land only with the permission of the landowner. Riders can only use rented electric scooters in the test area.
In the UK, electric scooters are classified as personal light electric vehicles (PLEV). This means that they are treated as motor vehicles with the same legal requirements, including MOT, taxes, permits and specific structures.
Since electric scooters do not have visible rear red lights, license plate numbers and cannot send out signals, they cannot be used legally on roads outside the test area.
A privately owned standard scooter without an electric engine can be used on the road. However, riders cannot use them on sidewalks or bicycle lanes.