
Call for regulation of electric scooters on public roads

addtime:2021-09-16  click:
In recent years, electric scooters have become more and more popular among commuters, but the law prohibits the use of electric scooters on public roads.
Despite this, many retailers still expect Christmas to be busier than usual, and commuters are looking for alternatives due to limited seats on public transportation.
At this stage, electric scooters are part of the mobility and transportation industry, and regulations and legislation are needed to facilitate them.
Call for regulation of electric scooters on public roads
The Ministry of Transport said that although “the use of electric scooters on public roads is currently illegal, the government plan is indeed committed to legislating the use of electric scooters.” "The government is aware of the importance of emergency management of this new department and is working to this end. It is also considering taking the necessary measures to deal with the Covid-19 crisis and mitigate its social and economic consequences for Brexit.
A report commissioned by the Road Safety Agency concluded that electric scooters should be legalized. The legislation to legalize electric scooters has already been drafted and will be implemented in the near future.